5 Reasons to Make Your Binary Options Journey Public

5 Reasons to Make Your Binary Options Journey Public

Previously, I talked about how to write a great binary options blog, and what goes into posting quality entries. Some people love to blog, and the idea of sharing their binary options journey with the world is an exciting one. For others, however, it may beg the question. Why would you want to share an experience online that is potentially quite painful and embarrassing? After all, it is often a struggle of years to generate any success as a trader. Why would you want to showcase your failures to the entire universe?


5 Ways Traders Hold Themselves Back from Success

5 Ways Traders Hold Themselves Back from Success

Been trading binary options for a while without achieving the results you were hoping for? Most traders who do become successful do so after struggling for a while to get there, so it is not necessarily a bad sign that you are having difficulties. Success is a challenge and nobody makes it overnight. What is holding you back from success? Oftentimes it is actually mistakes that you are making. Could you be standing in your own way? Here are 5 common mistakes that traders make which hold them back.


Do Traders Add Value to the Economy?

Do Traders Add Value to the Economy?

Whether you are a beginner or you have been trading binary options for some time, eventually, sooner or later, you are going to be accused of performing in a role which contributes no value to the economy.  If you have been trading for some time, odds are you have already had this accusation lobbed at you many times.  If you are new to trading, you may be caught off guard the first time you hear it.  The conversation generally goes like this:


4 Ways Binary Options Trading is Like Poker

4 Ways Binary Options Trading is Like Poker

There are a lot of binary options traders who are attracted to trading because they enjoy playing at online casinos.  There is a big overlap in part because there are a lot of commonalities between trading online and gambling online.  Both entail an element of risk, and give you a chance to either win or lose a large amount of money quickly.  There is a chance you may lose your entire bankroll, but then again, you might just win big and take the house one night.


Tips for Saving Money for Trading

Tips for Saving Money for Trading

How much money do you have in your trading account right now?  $100?  $200?  $500?  The majority of binary options traders are trading on a shoestring budget.  That is one of the reasons that binary options have become so popular over recent years.  The entry barriers are low, and you can get started with only a few hundred dollars.  Trading on a shoestring budget imposes a number of challenges though.  You profit very slowly, which is a struggle all in itself.  And then there is the struggle to hold onto your patience.  When you wish you were profiting more quickly, and when you really need the money, it can be difficult to restrain yourself from making bad trading decisions.


How to Write a Great Binary Trading Blog

How to Write a Great Binary Trading Blog

One valuable tool which you can use to keep track of your binary trading decisions and outcomes and also plan for the future is a trading blog.  A trading blog is basically the same thing as a trading journal, except that you are keeping it in the public eye.  Some trading blogs become very popular resources for traders who are learning or teaching.  So writing a trading blog is in essence also a community service.  Not only are you helping yourself, but you are helping others by making your experiences public and sharing your learning process.  A trading blog also gives you the additional accountability which comes with public exposure.  So how do you write a good one?


Take Trading Seriously

5 Reasons to Take Trading Seriously

There may come a time during your education as a trader when you realize you have more than a passing, casual interest in binary options trading.  Perhaps you first started learning about trading so you could gamble for fun.  But the more you learned, the more you realized you wanted to learn even more.  If you are thinking about honing your edge and getting serious about trading, here are five reasons to consider putting in that extra effort.